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Bushtit - Psaltriparus minimus

Photo: tony battiste; 2012 Jan 18; USA, Arizona; Battiste B&B, Hereford; Adult; Male; Interior (gray cap; plumbeus) subspp;
Song: Jumble of high-pitched calls given constantly by flocks, creating a constant buzzy sharp chatter. Calls include a dry distinct "tsit" or "spit", a high pitched, scraping "sre-e-e-e" or "tseez, tzee tzee tzee" and a descending bell-like tinkling "tsididididi".
Sound: Geoffrey A. Keller (Macaulay Library, Cornell # 118676); 2002 May 7; USA, California; 1.6 km W from Weldon, Kern River Preserve, Kern Co; Adult; Primary Sound;


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Number of species: 439

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