Dendroica - Guest Version | Lists:  CAN  Exclude: Rare | Non-breeding      

Black Oystercatcher - Haematopus bachmani

Photo: Isaac Sanchez; 2011 Sept 26; USA, California; Monterey Bay; Adult;
Song: Almost identical voice to American Oystercatcher. Contact calls are yelping whistles "queep" may be slightly less nasal than American's. Display calls are an accelerating series of contact calls that rises and falls in pitch. Alarm calls range from a clear "kleep" to a rapid "whididididi". Black Oystercatcher's range (Pacific) and dark plumage are key distinguishing features.
Sound: John Neville (Bird Songs of Canada's West Coast); Canada, British Columbia; Middlenatch; Adult; Primary Sound;


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Number of species: 439

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